CREW is the group of volunteers working at S-Huset. They make S-Huset work, and what would a student house be without students?
We always need active and enthusiastic volunteers to run S-Huset and we cannot exist without them.
Below is a short walk through of some of the most frequently asked questions.
What does CREW do?
CREW takes care of everything from:
- Booking bands
- Organizing events
- Brainstorming and new initiatives
- Development of existing departments and parties
- PR - brainstorming and production
- Pre-production (light design, rigging, mounting of lamps PA etc.)
- Load-ins of bands
- Phasing out bands
- Load-outs of bands
- Maintenance and accomplishment of new activities in S-Huset
You have the opportunity to get as engaged as you like and can.
What do I get by volunteering?
There are lots of advantages by being part of CREW. Among others are:
- Yearly weekend cabin trip with lots of coziness, good food fun and happiness
- Keg parties with open “soft” bar in Kælderbaren after every Joint and FredagsRock (Friday Rock)
- Christmas lunch the last week of the autumn semester
- Lots of new friends
- A large social network across DTU
- Lots of cozy hours both in and out of S-Huset
- The option of working as a bartender in S-Huset
- Free coffee all year
- Excursions and social events
What does the chair of CREW do?
The chairperson of CREW coordinates the work in S-Huset, that is he/she takes care of the overall planning for events. Get in touch with the chair of CREW to hear more about the exciting activities and work in S-Huset.
How do I become CREW?
A couple of times during the semester there will be information sessions about CREW where you can come and hear about being CREW. If it sounds exciting, a weekly CREW meeting is held every Friday at 12.15 in Kælderbaren. The president of CREW talks about events in the following weeks and allocate people for jobs at these events.