PF words and abbreviations

If you’re new to DTU or PF, there are many different abbreviations for various committees, councils etc. Most of them only make sense in Danish, making everything even more confusing. The list below is meant as a help with the translation of all these PF words and abbreviations – and if you stumble upon an abbreviation that is not on the list, don’t hesitate to write to!

Word/abbreviation (DK)Translation
AUS (Afdelingen for Uddannelse og Studerende)Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs
Bachelor StuderendeBachelor of Science in Engineering (B.Sc.Eng)
BuddyTutors responsible for facilitation the Master Study start
BudletA new Master student
Bxx (i.e. B25)The Board of PF year xx (i.e. year 2025)
CASCampus Service
Diplomingeniør StuderendeBachelor of Engineering (B.Eng)
DSF (Danske Studerendes Fællesråd)Danish Students’ Organisation
FagligudvalgetAcademic Committee
FAKU (Forpersonernes Aktivitets og Koordings Udvalg)The Council for the Chairpersons in PF Councils
FR (Fællesrådet)The Joint Council (PF’s governing body)
FRR (Forretningsrådet)The Finance Council
HytteturCabin Trip
IDAThe Danish Society of Engineers, IDA
ISN (Institutstudienævn)Study Board
JointA concert at DTU held by PF
KABS (Koordinatorerne af Bachelor Studiestarten)The Coordinators of The Bachelor Study Start
KaffestuenA part of S-Huset Lyngby (lit. The Coffee Lounge)
KagemødeLunch meeting with cake
KælderbarenPF’s bar in Lyngby (lit. The Cellar Bar)
PejsestuenA part of S-Huset Lyngby (lit. The Fireplace Lounge)
PF (Polyteknisk Forening)The student union at DTU (lit. The Polytechnical Association)
PF HUMORThe group responsible for the yearly PF Revue
PF Master StudentsThe Coordinators of The Master Study Start
PF SekretariatetThe PF Secretariat
PG (Politisk Gruppe)The Political Group
RektorThe President of DTU
RusA new Bachelor Student
Rus JointA concert held at DTU by PF for the new bachelor students
S-HusetThe cafees and bar ran by PF (lit. The Student House)
SPU (Socialpolitisk Udvalg)The Sociopolitical Committee
StudiemiljøStudy environment
StudierådStudent Council
StudiestartStudy Start
VektorTutors responsible for facilitation the Bachelor Study start
Last updated: February 21, 2025