Constitution of student councils and elections

In early fall, all student councils must accomplish two important things: constitution of the council itself and election of ISN representatives.

On this page you can find information about constitution of student councils (Which positions must be filled and what guidelines must be followed), information about election of ISN representatives and a schedule for the election period.

In the menu on the right there are links to documents that could be useful in connection with constitution and elections.

The constitution lists will be sent to the council chairmen via e-mail. If you wish to have access to these, you can contact the election committee (

Constitution of student councils

The constituent meeting is the meeting which defines the student council until the next constitution. There are several conditions which must be met, by the student council during this process.

  • A student council must have at least 7 ordinary members (§ L.19)
  • A chairman and treasurer must both be chosen at the constituent meeting (§ L.23)

Furthermore, minutes must be taken of the constituent meeting and an election-/membership list, in order for the election committee to approve the constitution.

It is important that the student council considers some points during the constution:

  • A student council can only make decisions if half (and at least 7) of the members are present. If you have many inactive members, they can prevent you from making economic decisions and from holding elections. (§ S. 34)
  • Student councils whose programmes get more than 100 new students a year can have 3 FR members. (And thus 3 votes in FR) (§ L.11)

Elections for positions

Here is a general guide to positions in a student council. Please notice that these apply to any constituted student council, which means that if several councils constitute separately – even if they hold meetings together as one council – they must fill these positions separately.

  • Chairman of the council (1 person)
  • Vice chairman (1 person) (optional)
  • Treasurer (1 person)
  • Joint Council representatives (2 persons + alternates) – their terms start in February
  • Social political Committee members (2 persons + alternates) – their terms start in february. In case more are interested, they can be constituted at the first meeting of the committee
  • Academic Committee members (2 persons + alternates) – their terms start in february. In case more are interested, they can be constituted at the first meeting in the committee

DTU positions:

  • ISN representatives. The positions are divided between the councils by FAKU
  • Workplace Environment Committee

Please note! You must first constitute the council and then elect the chairman, treasurer etc.

Guidelines for minutes

The demands imposed on minutes can be found under Guidelines B: Guidelines for minutes. In short, at minimum you should have:

  • Time and place of the meeting
  • Agenda
  • List of who is present
  • What was decided
  • Results of votes
  • Which documents are relevant to the meeting
  • Which parts of the agenda are closed
  • Count of votes if any vote are taken

The confidential minutes must have confidential points or vote counts. This list is a guideline only, the only rules that count are the laws and statutes of PF.

Election of ISN representatives

The prospective ISN representatives run in an open election, but the Election Committee and FAKU distribute the positions in order for all the student councils to get the best possible representation.

The council chairmen know the distribution of the ISN positions. The distribution is only a guide. If there are more people interested than you have positions, then create a prioritized list. If there are fewer, then leave the positions empty.





21st Sep 2019Last chance for summoning for constituent meetings in the Student Councils.The Student Council’s Chairmen
19th Sep 2019Lists of ISN- and AMU positions are sent to each council.FAKU, The Election Committee
7-9th Oct 2019Conduction of constituent meetings in the Student Councils.The Student Councils
10th Oct 2019, 17.00The Election Committee must receive filled in copies of the constitution documents. This is the absolute last chance to constitute a student council.The Student Councils
10th Oct 2019, 17.00Nominations of ISN and AMU representatives.The Student Councils
31st Oct 2019The Joint Council approves ISN-lists, as well as candidates for the DTU board and the Academic CouncilThe Joint Council
1st Nov –
13th Nov 2019
Candidates for ISN are put on the ballot for the university elections.The Student Council’s Chairmen, The Election Committee, Candidates
Ultimo nov 2019University elections​ openDTU – All students should vote
Primo Dec 2019University elections​ openDTU
Last updated: July 21, 2022